Remote Qi Healing and Telemedicine

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Q&A with Grandmaster Hong Liu on Remote Healing

As an apprentice of Grandmaster Hong Liu, I often help to translate the remote healing sessions with his patients, and after each treatment I am also the first to get their feedback. As quantum methods and non-local healing therapies become more embraced, the remote healing that Master has been practicing for decades is beginning to be researched and understood. I asked Grandmaster Hong a few questions on remote therapy to help clarify how it works:

Why is remote energy therapy equally and sometimes more effective than face-to-face?  

His answer is simple: "there are different levels of the human being, the main trinity is of the body, mind, and soul. The most fundamental key to the art of energy work is to start with the patient’s mind, and proceed with alternating conscious and subconscious techniques. Following the more active part of the treatment, the patient proceeds to rest, meditate or sleep.  At that time of relaxation and receptivity, the practitioner sends healing energy and acts on the soul of the patient to achieve the purpose of improving the health of the physical body”.

Why do people get sick? 

In addition to the predisposing factors of genetics, aging, environment, lifestyle, diet, etc, the mind plays a determining role in the overall health of the body and longevity span. The mind can play a key role in one’s immunity. Negative thoughts combined with wrong lifestyle habits and wrong diet, will affect your working environment, living environment, interpersonal relationships and quality of life. This combination can bring about depression, stress and other psychological imbalances. When these negative imbalances become chronic they can manifest as physical blockages and illness in the body.”

How long will it take to perform a remote energy treatment? 

"The treatment itself varies in length but the real work is after the remote treatment is completed. Taking into account the patient’s original energy and their current positive and negative energy blueprint, I design a personal plan for the patient based on the frameworks of the five elements, meridians and yin and yang. Through this comprehensive analysis, the patient gets autonomy over their healing with a simple and individualized plan for their nutrition, lifestyle, herbal medicine, medical qi gong exercises, source points and acupressure and various self-healing tools to change the body, reform the mind, and achieve the best and unity of body, mind, and spirit. Implementing these simple and individual-specific tools will ensure natural and sustainable results throughout one's whole lifetime. 

How do patients far away from you in Europe, and Australia also benefit from remote energy work?

“Energy (healing) is not limited by language and it is not restricted by religion. If you have faith, you can invoke your own Lord or God to bless your subject and it will have an even better effect than following someone else’s ideology! Energy (healing) is not limited by one’s age, consciousness, species (animals and plants can receive it too). 

Besides us apprentices, can other students and seekers also learn this remote energy therapy? 

“As long as you have a compassionate and caring intention and a sincere willingness to help others, then through special training to open up the energy channels in your own body, you can receive the energy of the universe and emit healing energy to others. Individuals can become more effective in this practice by following a Master as a mediator to receiving the energy and gifts of a powerful lineage. But to practice deep and sustainable healing, the follow-up plan after the remote energy treatment is the key. The practitioner requires knowledge and experience in various disciplines to construct an effective plan based on Western medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, (Yin and Yang theory, five elements, meridian theory, acupuncture, herbal medicine, acupressure…), holistic nutrition, energy and breathing exercises (Qi gong), and psychology, in addition to an understanding and sensitivity to energy. Learning is endless, and one’s abilities are proportionate to  how much time and effort is put in, any real Master will know this!”

To learn more about Grandmaster Hong’s journey as a Doctor and Healer, refer to his book The Healing Art of Qi Gong. These ancient practices Master and his Masters have been using are now receiving further attention from the Scientific community. The mechanisms of energy healing are being studied in modern physics, most notably substantiated by the discoveries of  German biophysicist Professor Fritz-Albert Popp and his research concerning the coherence theory of biophoton emission in biological systems in 2008. This growing body of research can be instrumental in understanding the mechanisms of Taoist Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

-Isabella Gucci-Ruffalo, Apprentice of Grandmaster Hong Liu



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