Senior Wellness Program

NHRF’s Senior Wellness Program is one of the most popular programs provided at the Qi Center - Honolulu.  This program provides and educates senior citizens with natural healing and prevention practices.  


Disease prevention and wellness programs for the elderly that are effective, cost efficient, motivational and accessible are in urgent demand.  The Natural Healing Research Foundation (NHRF) operates with the assumption that a more effective senior program will be one that teaches methods of self-help through natural healing modalities that are targeted in fighting/preventing heart disease, hypertension, chronic respiratory illness, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and the other illnesses common in the aged.

The major goals of the program are to help each individual to detoxify and rejuvenate their body and to regularly implement practices to prevent illness and disease.  The classes bring body strengthening through gentle stretching, improve emotion through gentle release during animal-related exercises, and raise relaxation through meditation. Studies have shown that qi gong can improve balance, increase circulation, improve flexibility, decrease depression and irritability, boost the immune system, and enhance overall health and well being.  In addition to qi gong exercises, samples of healing foods and herbal teas that are helpful for overall health are made available to participants.

No matter how popular the program is, research is the way to truly document any health improvements reported by program attendees.  Testimony which attests to changes and  improvements are always welcome and some can be founded on this website.