Summer Respiratory Event

The Natural Healing Research Foundation (NHRF) has welcomed thousands of people to its annual Summer Respiratory Event. Along with the annual Winter Immunity event, this program is one of Hawaii's largest educational humanitarian events. A complementary approach for improving and preventing respiratory problems is offered. Through this event, the NHRF continues its misstion to provide education on how to implement practical and effective natural healing methods in order to strengthen the body's natural defenses, avoid long-term drug use, and prevent further health problems and chronic diseases.


The NHRF conducted a survey that showed that 80% of individuals who participated in these events and integrated the recommended practices for three consecutive years showed improvement in respiratory problems.

 On the three hottest days during the summer of 2011, Grandmaster Hong presented the benefits of following Yang energy. The focus of the three summer events was to magnify the Yang energy which will rid the body of negative and stagnant Yin energy, to promote a strengthened immune system, respiratory system and improved circulation. Master Hong shared how moving the Yang energy benefits asthma, diabetes, heart disease and pain management.

 To magnify the benefits, continued strategic use of herbal patches on specific points of the body on the three hottest days of summer aid to heal respiratory disease. The patches were recommended to be worn for 6 – 12 hours on each of the three days. Over the past few years, this method of treatment has been implemented throughout many hospitals in parts of China and Taiwan with good success rates.

Along with the herbal patches, reflexology and Qi Gong exercises of benefit were included along with the energetics of healing foods. More warming Yang foods and drinks should be consumed during these three hottest days; cooling Yin foods and drinks are to be avoided.

Using food as medicine is nothing new. Nature's foods contain powerful medicine in the form of phytonutrients and knowing how to use these natural "medicines" is empowering information with good benefits.

Master explained the inclusion of the healing powers of ginger during this time. He spoke of placing ginger in the navel along with soaking the feet in hot water infused with mugwort and ginger powder before bedtime. These are some of the ways for the body to follow the Yang energy and help the Yin energy exit the body.